Emacs ElementaryX: Elementary Emacs configuration coupled with Guix
Fork of Emacs Bedrock: stepping stones to a better Emacs experience

Table of Contents

This page may be viewed online in html or pdf, while its sources are located on gitlab.inria.fr.

This project is a fork of the 1.2 version of the original emacs bedrock by ashton314. As mentioned in its synopsis, the original emacs bedrock was "intended to be copied once and then modified as the user grows in knowledge and power." We believe that the original version of bedrock is an excellent starting kit to learn about modern emacs (emacs 29.1 or later) and we strongly encourage emacs users to play with it.

1. Why you should not use emacs elementaryx

1.1. But use the original bedrock

elementaryx aims at achieving some specific workflows. In a way, it may be viewed as an extension of the original emacs bedrock by ashton314 to achieve them. On the other hand, it breaks some of the very nice features of the original bedrock. For instance, the original bedrock is delivered through a single git repository and depends only on one external package by default, which makes it very nice to play with. On the contrary, the present revisited version – elementaryx – is split into multiple repositories and may have many dependencies, which makes it hard to use. In addition, the focus on the considered workflows of the present version is certainly useless or suboptimum for many (most) emacs users.

1.2. But use other starter kits

While, according to its synopsis, the original bedrock is an "extremely minimal emacs starter kit", there exist much more fully-featured starter kits such as spacemacs or doomemacs. These starter kits provide an excellent user-experience, are developed and maintained by hundreds of contributors. The elementaryx suite does not – and will not – achieve 1% of their capacity, nor ergonomics.

Though, as shown by asthon314 with the original bedrock, it is possible to design a pleasant set up of emacs with a modern emacs (version 29.1 or more), and we hope that this revisited version may also be pleasant to use for performing a few selected workflows.

1.3. Because you are not on linux or you do not want to use the guix package manager

As discussed in Section 2, we rely on the guix package manager to use this elementaryx. It can be installed on any linux distribution (see below) but:

  • you may not be on linux;
  • or you may not want to install yet another package manager within your linux distribution.

In these cases, we do not recommend either to use elementaryx. Note that it is nevertheless possible to use it with docker as explained below.

2. How to start elementaryx with guix (recommended)?

2.1. In a nutshell (recommended)

In a nutshell, assuming we have guix available (see below in Section 2.2), we can launch elementaryx in an isolated shell with guix time-machine using these guix-hpc fixed channels as follows:

mkdir -p "$HOME/org-roam"
mkdir -p "$HOME/references"
mkdir -p "/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/.emacs.d"
wget https://gitlab.inria.fr/elementaryx/elementaryx.gitlabpages.inria.fr/-/raw/main/dotfiles/bash-elementaryx/.bashrc.elementaryx -O "/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/.bashrc.elementaryx"
wget https://gitlab.inria.fr/elementaryx/elementaryx.gitlabpages.inria.fr/-/raw/main/channels-fixed.scm -O "/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/channels-fixed.scm"
cd "/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/"
SHELL="bash" guix time-machine --channels=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/channels-fixed.scm -- shell --share=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/ --share="$HOME/org-roam" --share="$HOME/references" --expose=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/.bashrc.elementaryx=$HOME/.bashrc --expose=$HOME/.config/guix/current=/guix --expose=/tmp/.X11-unix --expose=$XAUTHORITY --expose=/etc/ssl/certs --preserve="^SHELL|^DISPLAY$|^XAUTHORITY$|^TERM$" -CNW icecat emacs-elementaryx-as-default -- bash -c 'GUIX_PROFILE="/guix" ; . "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile" ; emacs'

The rest of the section explains these latter instructions and propose alternative execution modes. The above proposed execution mode corresponds to the concatenation of the preliminary setup from Section 2.3 and the isolated execution from If you are happy with this execution mode you can skip the rest of the section and go to Section 4 to play with elementaryx.

We just mention before that, that, although we recommend it, it is not necessary to create and share the $HOME/org-roam and $HOME/references as suggested above. In case you do not want to create and share them, we can create them in "/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/" instead. In this case, proceed as follows:

mkdir -p "/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test"
mkdir -p "/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/org-roam"
mkdir -p "/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/references"
mkdir -p "/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/.emacs.d"
wget https://gitlab.inria.fr/elementaryx/elementaryx.gitlabpages.inria.fr/-/raw/main/dotfiles/bash-elementaryx/.bashrc.elementaryx -O "/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/.bashrc.elementaryx"
wget https://gitlab.inria.fr/elementaryx/elementaryx.gitlabpages.inria.fr/-/raw/main/channels-fixed.scm -O "/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/channels-fixed.scm"
cd "/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/"
SHELL="bash" guix time-machine --channels=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/channels-fixed.scm -- shell --share=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/ --share="/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/"="$HOME/org-roam" --share="/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/"="$HOME/references" --expose=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/.bashrc.elementaryx=$HOME/.bashrc --expose=$HOME/.config/guix/current=/guix --expose=/tmp/.X11-unix --expose=$XAUTHORITY --expose=/etc/ssl/certs --preserve="^SHELL|^DISPLAY$|^XAUTHORITY$|^TERM$" -CNW icecat emacs-elementaryx-as-default -- bash -c 'GUIX_PROFILE="/guix" ; . "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile" ; emacs'

2.2. Required dependency: guix

As mentioned in Section 1.1, elementaryx is composed of multiple (tiny) git repositories and has many dependencies (a few emacs dependencies, and many non emacs dependencies). As a consequence, it is not straightforward (at all) to use. Therefore we rely on a robust deployment tool – namely guix – to set it up. Note that the guix package manager can be installed on any linux distribution. We refer to guix manual for installing guix and assume guix is available in the following.

Note that elementaryx is not packaged in the main channel of guix but in the guix-hpc channel, which must therefore be enabled (see guix-hpc). This is why the channels we use include the guix-hpc channel.

The interested reader might read the guix definition of the present elementaryx suite but this is not necessary at all for proceeding.

2.2.1. Pre-built binaries

We refer to guix-hpc reference for setting up pre-built binaries.

2.2.2. Check up

In the following, we assume that guix and guix-hpc are set up.

2.3. Preliminary step: folder and file creations

We proceed with a few folder and file creations:

mkdir -p "$HOME/org-roam"
mkdir -p "$HOME/references"
mkdir -p "/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test"
mkdir -p "/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/.emacs.d"
wget https://gitlab.inria.fr/elementaryx/elementaryx.gitlabpages.inria.fr/-/raw/main/dotfiles/bash-elementaryx/.bashrc.elementaryx -O "/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/.bashrc.elementaryx"
wget https://gitlab.inria.fr/elementaryx/elementaryx.gitlabpages.inria.fr/-/raw/main/channels-fixed.scm -O "/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/channels-fixed.scm"
  • $HOME/org-roam will be used for storing non-hierarchical org-roam notes and TODOs;
  • $HOME/references will be used for storing (bibtex) bibliography;
  • /tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/ will be used for testing purpose;
  • /tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/.emacs.d/ will be used as an emacs init directory (not necessary in an isolated container);
  • /tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/.bashrc.elementaryx will be used as a minimalist bashrc set up (enable direnv, …);
  • /tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/channels-fixed.scm will be used as channels for guix time-machine or guix pull.

Note that an even more minimalistic /.bashrc setup can be used as follows (rather than the wget above command):

echo  "eval \"\$(direnv hook bash)\"" > "/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/.bashrc.elementaryx"

Note also that in the long run, $HOME/org-roam and $HOME/references might instead be symbolic links to git repositories.

2.4. Start elementaryx

Assuming guix is available (see Section 2.2) and the preliminary folder and file creations are done (Section 2.3), multiple options are then available to start elementaryx and play with it.

The most simple way is to use the emacs-elementaryx-as-default guix package. This package sets up a minimalist default.el emacs init file (see emacs init file reference), basically consisting of (use-package elementaryx-full) (see source) for requesting the emacs elementaryx package. We also use the icecat package for convenient check out of html exports (see below for the corresponding workflow).

Here are multiple options for starting elementaryx, from the most conservative to the most flexible.

2.4.1. Execution within an isolated container from both the home directory and the rest of the system

  1. With guix shell and guix time-machine (recommended)

    elementaryx may be executed within an isolated container (guix shell -C, see guix shell reference) from both the home directory and the rest of the system with guix time-machine using these guix-hpc fixed channels as follows:

    cd "/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/"
    SHELL="bash" guix time-machine --channels=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/channels-fixed.scm -- shell --share=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/ --share="$HOME/org-roam" --share="$HOME/references" --expose=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/.bashrc.elementaryx=$HOME/.bashrc  --expose=$HOME/.config/guix/current=/guix --expose=/tmp/.X11-unix --expose=$XAUTHORITY --expose=/etc/ssl/certs --preserve="^SHELL|^DISPLAY$|^XAUTHORITY$|^TERM$" -CNW icecat emacs-elementaryx-as-default -- bash -c 'GUIX_PROFILE="/guix" ; . "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile" ; emacs'
  2. With guix shell but not guix time-machine (not recommended for a tutorial / testing purpose)
    cd "/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/"
    SHELL="bash" guix shell --share=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/ --share="$HOME/org-roam" --share="$HOME/references" --expose=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/.bashrc.elementaryx=$HOME/.bashrc  --expose=$HOME/.config/guix/current=/guix --expose=/tmp/.X11-unix --expose=$XAUTHORITY --expose=/etc/ssl/certs --preserve="^SHELL|^DISPLAY$|^XAUTHORITY$|^TERM$" -CNW icecat emacs-elementaryx-as-default -- bash -c 'GUIX_PROFILE="/guix" ; . "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile" ; emacs'
  3. Explanations

    This execution mode ensures that the execution of elementaryx does not interfere with the rest of the system, nor with the home directory of the user.

    We allow only the $HOME/org-roam, $HOME/references and /tmp/elementaryx-test repositories created in Section 2.3 to be writable.

    In addition, we allow nested usage of guix (-W option) and we make sure that all the channels from the main profile are made available (--expose=$HOME/.config/guix/current and GUIX_PROFILE=$HOME/.config/guix/current ; . $GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile). We also allow for network usage (-N option).

    We define bash as the default shell (SHELL="bash" and --expose=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/.bashrc.elementaryx=$HOME/.bashrc and --preserve=^SHELL$).

    We furthermore allow for graphical (--expose=/tmp/.X11-unix --expose=$XAUTHORITY --preserve="^DISPLAY$|^XAUTHORITY$") and terminal (--preserve=^TERM$) execution of emacs. Here emacs (emacs) is started in graphical mode; but it could also be started in terminal mode (with emacs -nw).

    The --expose=/etc/ssl/certs allows for exposing system X.509 certificates (see guix manual), required for instance to authenticate web servers over https.

    We refer to guix shell reference for an exhaustive presentation on how to use guix shell.

2.4.2. Execution in an isolated container from the rest of the system but writable in the home directory

This alternative execution mode allows for interacting in a writable mode with the home directory (--share="$HOME") and the /tmp directory (--share=/tmp/) but still ensures not to interfere with the rest of the system.

  1. With guix shell and guix time-machine
    SHELL="bash" guix time-machine --channels=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/channels-fixed.scm -- shell --share="$HOME" --share=/tmp/ --expose=$HOME/.config/guix/current=/guix --expose=$XAUTHORITY --expose=/etc/ssl/certs --preserve="^SHELL|^DISPLAY$|^XAUTHORITY$|^TERM$" -CNW icecat emacs-elementaryx-as-default -- bash -c 'GUIX_PROFILE="/guix" ; . "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile" ; emacs --init-dir=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/.emacs.d/'
  2. With guix shell but not guix time-machine
    SHELL="bash" guix shell  --share="$HOME" --share=/tmp/ --expose=$HOME/.config/guix/current=/guix --expose=$XAUTHORITY --expose=/etc/ssl/certs --preserve="^SHELL|^DISPLAY$|^XAUTHORITY$|^TERM$" -CNW icecat emacs-elementaryx-as-default -- bash -c 'GUIX_PROFILE="/guix" ; . "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile" ; emacs --init-dir=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/.emacs.d/'

2.4.3. Non isolated execution in a pure environment

The --container guix shell option requires kernel support. If this support is not available, an alternative is to use the --pure guix shell option. It does not ensure isolation but clears environment variable definitions to reduce (but not guarantee) unattended interaction with the rest of the system.

  1. With guix shell and guix time-machine
    SHELL="bash" guix time-machine --channels=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/channels-fixed.scm -- shell --pure --preserve="^SHELL|^TERM$" icecat emacs-elementaryx-as-default -- bash -c 'GUIX_PROFILE="$HOME/.config/guix/current" ; . "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile" ; emacs --init-dir=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/.emacs.d/'
  2. With guix shell but not guix time-machine
    SHELL="bash" guix shell --pure --preserve="^SHELL|^TERM$" icecat emacs-elementaryx-as-default -- bash -c 'GUIX_PROFILE="$HOME/.config/guix/current" ; . "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile" ; emacs --init-dir=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/.emacs.d/'

2.5. Starting elementaryx with non standard keybindings or on a remote machine

The philosophy is to follow as much as possible the reference emacs 29.1. When additional packages are used, we follow as much as possible the proposed default suggestions both in terms of enabled configuration and key bindings.

2.5.1. vim users

There is no advanced support for vim but vim users might want to start emacs with the -f evil-mode option to enable basic vim key binding support:

emacs -f evil-mode

For instance, the suggested execution in Section 2.1 may be appended as follows:

SHELL="bash" guix time-machine --channels=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/channels-fixed.scm -- shell --share=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/ --share="$HOME/org-roam" --share="$HOME/references" --expose=$HOME/.config/guix/current=guix --expose=/tmp/.X11-unix --expose=$XAUTHORITY --preserve="^SHELL|^DISPLAY$|^XAUTHORITY$|^TERM$" -CNW icecat emacs-elementaryx-as-default -- bash -c 'GUIX_PROFILE="/guix" ; . "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile" ; emacs -f evil-mode'

2.5.2. windows-like copy-paste users (C-c C-v)

Users used to copy-paste with C-c C-v may want to start start emacs with -f cua-mode:

emacs -f cua-mode

For instance, the suggested execution in Section 2.1 may be appended as follows:

SHELL="bash" guix time-machine --channels=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/channels-fixed.scm -- shell  --share=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/ --share="$HOME/org-roam" --share="$HOME/references" --expose=$HOME/.config/guix/current=/guix --expose=/tmp/.X11-unix --expose=$XAUTHORITY --preserve="^SHELL|^DISPLAY$|^XAUTHORITY$|^TERM$" -CNW icecat emacs-elementaryx-as-default -- bash -c 'GUIX_PROFILE="/guix" ; . "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile" ; emacs -f cua-mode'

2.5.3. elementaryx on a remote machine with mouse-tracking support

You may want to start emacs elementaryx on a remote machine through ssh. In this case, assuming ssh was performed with X11 forwarding (typically via ssh -X or ssh -Y), emacs may be started with no X (-nw) for performance reason, while still enabling mouse-tracking support (-f xterm-mouse-mode):

emacs -nw -f xterm-mouse-mode

For instance, assuming a remote machine with no the suggested execution in Section (with --pure option) may be appended as follows:

SHELL="bash" guix time-machine --channels=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/channels-fixed.scm -- shell --pure --preserve="^SHELL|^TERM$" icecat emacs-elementaryx-as-default -- bash -c 'GUIX_PROFILE="$HOME/.config/guix/current" ; . "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile" ; emacs --init-dir=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/.emacs.d/ -nw -f xterm-mouse-mode'

This execution mode may be a typical usage on a remote computer where container support would not be available.

3. How to start elementaryx with docker (alternative if you don't have guix)?

3.1. Retrieve or generate the docker image

3.1.1. Option 1: Retrieve it from docker hub (recommended)

docker pull emmanuelagullo/guix-hpc-elementaryx:latest

3.1.2. Option 2: Generate it with guix (for information, and reproducibility)

guix_hpc_elementaryx_docker_tarball=$(guix time-machine --channels=/tmp/$(whoami)/elementaryx-test/channels-fixed.scm -- system image --image-type=docker elementaryx-docker-image.scm)
docker load < ${guix_hpc_elementaryx_docker_tarball}
docker tag guix:latest emmanuelagullo/guix-hpc-elementaryx:latest

Note that this is how the image was generated before being pushed to docker hub with:

# We assume: `docker login` has been performed to pursue
docker push emmanuelagullo/guix-hpc-elementaryx:latest # image pushed online: https://hub.docker.com/r/emmanuelagullo/guix-hpc-elementaryx

3.2. Create, start and execute the container

guix_hpc_elementaryx_docker_container=$(docker create -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -e XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY -e TERM=$TERM --platform linux/amd64 emmanuelagullo/guix-hpc-elementaryx:latest)
docker start $guix_hpc_elementaryx_docker_container
# As root:
# docker exec -ti $guix_hpc_elementaryx_docker_container /run/current-system/profile/bin/bash --login
# As user "panoramix":
docker exec -u panoramix -ti $guix_hpc_elementaryx_docker_container /run/current-system/profile/bin/bash --login

3.3. Start emacs elementaryx

We are now logged onto the image and can start emacs elementaryx from there:


3.4. Support of X11 and tty modes

3.4.1. X11 mode

The X11 support may require some additional set up, such as xhost +local:docker (with guix: guix shell xhost -- xhost +local:docker). We warn the reader about potential security issues and refer to docker reference for further information on that topic.

3.4.2. tty mode

It is also possible to run in terminal mode with mouse support. We refer the reader to docker reference for possible additional docker setup. Regarding emacs, it can be started with:

emacs -nw -f xterm-mouse-mode

4. First steps with elementaryx

We assume to be all set up to play with elementaryx, may the user has started it with guix or docker, as discussed above.

The elementaryx software suite aims TO BE CONTINUED.

4.1. Graphical user interface (GUI)

As with most editors, most common operations can be performed using the graphical user interface (GUI), an important feature for discoverability.

In particular, the menu-bar allows one to

Author: compose development team

Created: 2024-09-19 Thu 12:02
